💰 You're Getting Lower Taxes & How to Save An Hour A Day

Hello All,

This time, I want to share:

- Latest on YouTube incl. Investing & Denmark Real Estate
- My Biggest Productivity Takes for 2024 - Saving an Hour a Day
- Two Challenges!
- My Country #140 Unveil (lol)

🎥 Latest Videos on YouTube

Denmark Lowers Income Taxes:

video preview

The Best Investing Plan for 2024

video preview

I’ve a lot more videos filmed (and to be filmed) and kept committed to (sooner or later) publish two videos a week consistently 💪.

🇩🇰 Also in Denmark - Mortgage Rates are starting to fall, specifically interest for the 30 year loans is close to 4% vs. 5% a few months back. (And things are moving very quickly!) The market is also cooling down after the taxes change-induced high, so things are looking a bit brighter for new buyers.

In case you have missed my prompt last time. Do you ONLY want Denmark-specific content? Yes - Please Only Denmark Content. I upgraded my email systems and I can personalize a lot more. (If you would click the link above, then next time you don't see the rest of the email, as per below).

🌐 How to Be Ultra Productive in 2024

I updated my “Superhuman Productivity” presentation for a talk in Maersk. The theme was “saving an hour a day”, and - without getting into the nitty-gritty, I want today to highlight four key points:

👉 FYI - I’m making an hour-long high-definition recording for those in my Financial Independence Accelerator (old Mastermind), too.

1) Choose Good Goals - Effectiveness Trumps Efficiency

It doesn’t matter how fast you move if it’s in a worthless direction. Picking the right thing to work on is the most important element of productivity and usually almost ignored. – Sam Altman

I can’t stress this enough: the key to productivity is not to be able to do more, faster, better (though that matters 😉) but to just pick the right goals to focus.

These prompts will help you narrow to those “right goals”:
- Work on the Lead Dominos – What objective which, if done, will make everything else easier?​
- Look for Compounding Effects – What are the areas where you will get compounding to work for you?​ -
Win Even If You Lose – Which goals are worthwhile (and will compound) even if you completely failed to achieve them?

AND… “Journey Before Destination”. It takes years and years to succeed at the big, hard things. ​It’s absolutely crucial you’re motivated through and enjoy the whole journey.

I tell those who join me in Second Salary that I had been writing and publishing content online for eight years (!) before I started to make even a little bit of money.

“Love what you do” will not automatically make you successful. It, though, will give you staying power - and, in many areas, staying power (i.e., consistency) is one of the main enablers for success.

2) Do a Time Audit

“The difference between successful people and really successful people is​ that really successful people say no to almost everything.” – Warren Buffet​

A LOT of people have a big (enormous!) mismatch between a) how they say they want to spend their time and b) how they actually spend that time.

Case-and-Point: if you say you want to do X or Y, are you - every day - doing the actions that will help you get closer to X or Y, or you’re doing things that get you away from reaching those goals?

Example - You want to read more books, but instead spend an hour a day reading the news or scrolling social media. (Tip: Get the Kindle or Readwise Reader app, and block everything else 😈) .

I recommend you do a time-audit. Use an app like Toggle or aTracker and for a week or month track exactly how you use your time. (If this is too much, use your calendar as a reference, or use apps like Rize to track your screentime in the background). This will help you discover:
- Are you spending your time doing things you want to do (the goals), or doing something else? ​
- At work, are you spending your time working towards the key objectives, or doing something else?
- Are you spending time with the things (and people!) that energize and motivate you?

I do this exercise often and it’s enlightening each time. Just note, if there’s a mismatch you’ll not only need to adjust how you use your time, but (surprising for many) you likely need to adjust your goals as it can well be they’re not motivating enough.

3) Build a Digital Second Brain

I’m a big fan of Tiago Forte’s “Building a Second Brain” approach. Tiago is all-in for using digital tools to create “an external, organized system to store, manage, and enhance your personal and professional knowledge and ideas” freeing your mind to focus on creativity and higher-level thinking.”

I use the apps Obsidian, Notion and Readwise for this, and my “second brain” includes:​
- All YouTube Scripts + Newsletters I ever wrote​
- Years of Journals​
- All my Readwise data incl. all my book highlights​ of the past 10+ years
- All my Habit Tracking data​
- All my Annual Reviews​ and Planning
- Trip Prep, Personal CRM, Health Notes (when me, or the kids got sick), Shopping Log, LOTS of kids/family notes (schools, recipes, home research, clothes sizes…)​
- (Plus, a whole other “Second Brain” just for work )

Having all this put together has been the biggest productivity enabler of the past years, and - like the good things in life - the benefits keep compounding: I can now train a Custom GPT with all this info and have it write scripts for me, answer questions on the data, give me recommendations, and more.

4) Don’t Optimize Everything

I screw around a lot. I sleep close to nine (!) hours every night. I spend hours every day playing with my kids. I also take proper long breaks at work: if you drop by my desk it could well be that I’m reading the latest chapter of One Piece.

This leads me to two points:
- Again, getting the big things right matters most: if you get 2-3 hours of focused work every day - focused on your most important tasks - you’ll be “good” and over-perform most others
- You need rest and frequent “zoom outs” in order to perform. Performance (and focus) are dependent on your energy level, and the way you (sustainably) keep your energy levels high are not by sipping the fourth coffee of the day, but by really zooming out and taking breaks.

(Key is that in those breaks you do things that energize you and make you go upbeat. Which leads me to…)

📰 Challenge 1 - Join me For “No News Challenge”. I haven’t checked any newspaper at all since Christmas. I’ve blocked myself from almost everything and - for the first time in forever - I’ve stuck to it for now more than two full months. This is a) a huge time save and b) enabler for better mood - as there’s a pro on not knowing anything about Argentina’s hyperinflation, Israel and Hamas, Ukraine and Trump’s latest.

If you have the Habitify app (it’s free) you can join me for the challenge. Reply to this email with your Habitify user name and I'll add you. (There's no automatic link setup, unfortunately!)

🌳 Challenge 2 - Join me for the “Focused Work Challenge”. I’ve “gamified” my focused work tracking using the app Forest. It’s super simple, yet it’s motivating me a little more to track and increase my focused work.

You can get Forest here (costs $3, no subscription) and use the code 492G5BVSG to add me as a friend and join my challenge.

🔥 I’ll give the winners of each challenge a one-year access to the Financial Independence Accelerator Vault, no strings attached. (You self-report the results, so please don’t cheat 😉.)

❤️ Products Update

💰 Financial Independence Accelerator (ex Mastermind). I'm updating and expanding my membership program, and now re-focusing into helping people achieve financial independence.

I've been building the "Accelerator Vault" (a big collection of content) for a while now and will keep expanding it through the coming weeks and months, with A TON of content on money, investing, financial freedom and more.

But the Accelerator is not just the vault, but includes a personalized 1-1 onboarding, monthly group calls, live meetups (next one March 18th!) and discounts for all my courses. It’s a steal 😀.

While it’s focused on financial independence, I add (and will keep adding) content on topics that enable financial independence as e.g., productivity, systems/ops and more.

🗺️ Travel & Adventure

We’ll take the kids to 🇧🇹 Bhutan (Country #140 for me, yay) and a few days in Kolkata and Dehli in India over Easter. Bhutan has been on my long-term bucket list and I look forward to explore it and to take the epic hike to the TIger’s Nest (pictured).

In parallel, about to make a call on which place to visit over summer - Greenland or Svalbard. The two places are reachable by cruise, and we love cruises, so let’s see 😀.

👾 Ask of the Month - Last Month, I asked you about “Bold Leadership” and connected with some of you for (very!) interesting conversations. I love connecting with readers, and my prompt this time is on ayahuasca (lol). I’m curious about ayahuasca and want to know if anyone has joined a ceremony in Europe and would recommend any specific place. It’s not in my immediate plans to do one of these but I want to scope options.

I won’t go for many coffees (two kids, demanding job and side hustle, lots of sleep and travel - priorities 😉) but happy to connect over a short call.

Wish you an incredible March and thank you for reading!


Mario Scian

I help people in Europe to buy a house, invest in stocks and build an online side business. I also write on productivity and my travels to 140+ countries.

Read more from Mario Scian

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